The beginning

It has been at the back of my mind for many years, but never could I commit myself fully to the idea of writing as I was too unsure about my capabilities as a writer. I always thought if I ever write who is going to read it? Or even if someone reads it, will he/she like it ? Hence I kept postponing the idea till the time came when I decided enough is enough. Just because I am scared of putting my thoughts out in the open and worry about people’s reaction to it, doesn’t mean that should deter me from following what my heart desires.

A stage comes in life when you want to say so many things and you are certain that the only way to quieten the ongoing chaos in your mind is via writing yet it becomes an immense task to put your thoughts down to a written form.

Yes there is absolutely no dearth of ideas, in fact sometimes the deluge of thoughts just overwhelms your mind and still you are frozen with an undefinable fear of expressing them. This confusing phase that I am going through is so difficult to explain in words. They say that writing is therapeutic because it helps channelize your feelings and give them a direction.

So here I am with a bunchload of thoughts which haunt me from time to time.

Through this blog page I will try to present a chronicle  of assorted experiences related to various interests such as movies, songs or books that I have loved, relationship/parenting issues that I have seen of others or personally dealt with, exotic recipes that I have modified or invented and last but not the least my travel stories which occupy a very special place in my heart.

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