Spick and Span

She spritzed some of the soapy solution on the glass-top and started wiping it rigorously with a soft cloth.

Dressed in a faded flannel gown with her hair tied up, she looked distressed and exhausted, but, today is cleaning day and she didn’t want to waste it by letting disturbing thoughts occupy her mind.

The nagging doubt she’d for months had been cleared last evening when her husband came home smelling foreign. She now knew why he refused to hold her in those long lonely nights.

Anyway, she wanted her house to look spick and span by the end of the day and that’s what she’d dedicate her time to right now.


Written for Friday Fictioneers

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

40 thoughts on “Spick and Span

  1. Husband is cheating and she is busy getting rid of foreign scent! Why not leave him? Nice story telling anger and anxiety bottled up inside her.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your story, Piyali. You conjure up a vivid image of the woman in her distress. She can’t control what her husband does, but she can control the housework. I like the way you let us know this is routine – “today is cleaning day” – it’s not a special effort in response to her husband’s infidelity. She’s making an assertion that says, “If my marriage is going to break down, it won’t be my fault, because I will have done everything that I’m supposed to do.” That makes her very believable and a character with whom we can sympathise.
    Really nicely written.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is exactly what I wanted my story to say and I am glad it did. Thank you for the feedback, now I am relieved that my story does make sense. I was little apprehensive before but now I am good, thanks to you, Penny 🙂


  3. Oh wow! Sometimes, people channel their worst feelings into productive things, looking for a distraction. I hope that one day, she’ll be able to cleanse her mind and life by getting rid of that cheating scum.

    Liked by 1 person

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